Waypoint: Message<"meshtastic.Waypoint"> & {
    description: string;
    expire: number;
    icon: number;
    id: number;
    latitudeI?: number;
    lockedTo: number;
    longitudeI?: number;
    name: string;

Waypoint message, used to share arbitrary locations across the mesh

Type declaration

  • description: string

    Description of the waypoint - max 100 chars

    from field: string description = 7;

  • expire: number

    Time the waypoint is to expire (epoch)

    from field: uint32 expire = 4;

  • icon: number

    Designator icon for the waypoint in the form of a unicode emoji

    from field: fixed32 icon = 8;

  • id: number

    Id of the waypoint

    from field: uint32 id = 1;

  • OptionallatitudeI?: number


    from field: optional sfixed32 latitude_i = 2;

  • lockedTo: number

    If greater than zero, treat the value as a nodenum only allowing them to update the waypoint. If zero, the waypoint is open to be edited by any member of the mesh.

    from field: uint32 locked_to = 5;

  • OptionallongitudeI?: number


    from field: optional sfixed32 longitude_i = 3;

  • name: string

    Name of the waypoint - max 30 chars

    from field: string name = 6;

from message meshtastic.Waypoint