For boards without a hard wired button, this is the pin number that will be used Boards that have more than one button can swap the function with this one. defaults to BUTTON_PIN if defined.
For boards without a PWM buzzer, this is the pin number that will be used Defaults to PIN_BUZZER if defined.
Disables the triple-press of user button to enable or disable GPS
Treat double tap interrupt on supported accelerometers as a button press if set to true
If true, device is considered to be "managed" by a mesh administrator Clients should then limit available configuration and administrative options inside the user interface Moved to SecurityConfig
If true, disable the default blinking LED (LED_PIN) behavior on the device
Send our nodeinfo this often Defaults to 900 Seconds (15 minutes)
Sets the role of node
Sets the role of node
Disabling this will disable the SerialConsole by not initilizing the StreamAPI Moved to SecurityConfig
POSIX Timezone definition string from